Fast & Accurate Translation Services

When you partner with BCPLI, you’ll receive your documents meticulously translated with certification.

Rush services available.

Specialized Translations in BC and Beyond

We know the process to receive translated documents can be costly and time-consuming. Whether you need legal translations or business translations, our agency streamlines the process to provide you with accurate and timely communication solutions you can rely on.

Unlike many automated services, our team of 300 local translators in Canada bring years of experience to every project. We understand the nuances of every language and the specific industries we work alongside. That’s why, with our competitive pricing and fast turnarounds, you can ensure your documents meet the highest standards of quality and support any fast-approaching objectives.

Why Hire a Professional Translator?

Be confident your communication is clear and effective

Avoid misunderstandings or legal issues

Ensure your documents comply with all the necessary regulations

Leverage expert knowledge to handle any complexities that may arise

Save time so you can focus on other important tasks

Find What You’re Looking For

Legal Translations

Ensuring your legal translations are accurate and error-free from the start is crucial. We work alongside law firms, government agencies, courts, businesses, and individuals to facilitate clear and effective communication for all parties. See a full list of our legal translation services below:

  • Agreements such as service agreements and leasing agreement

  • Declaration of repatriation

  • Non-disclosure agreement

  • Patent and trademark applications

  • Letters of credit

  • Certificates and declarations

  • Laws and regulations

  • Judicial reports

  • Expert reports

  • Arbitration procedures

  • Documents containing personal data (birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce papers, driving license, high school diploma (Baccalaureate), bachelor degree, certificates, graduation certificate)

  • Specific documents for which it is necessary to work together with embassies (e.g. Pakistani marriage certificate attestation, translation Urdu-Romanian)

Business Translations

Clear communication is vital for the success of every business. Whether you need translations as a multinational corporation or a small local business, we have the linguistic skills to help scale and diversify your voice. See a full list of our business translation services below:

  • Manuals and learning aids for employees

  • Business contracts & letters of intent

  • Company Domestic regulations

  • Translation of apps and websites

  • Translation of online stores

  • Advertisements and advertising materials

  • SEO translations

  • Company presentations

Medical Translations

From hospitals and clinics to health insurance companies or patients, our team of experts understand the complexities and importance of your medical documents. That’s why we guarantee every translation is clear, contextually accurate, and compliant. See a full list of our medical translation services below:

  • Patient records

  • Drug labeling

  • Drug packaging

  • Medical findings

  • Clinical Trials

  • Independent Medical Exams

  • Patient Instructions

  • Professional magazines

  • Clinical, toxicological, pharmaceutical and biological data

  • Medical equipment: instruction manuals, glossaries of medical terms

  • General medical texts

  • Prescriptions, patient information leaflets and medical treatments

Financial Translations

BCPLI has worked alongside a range of financial institutions, investment firms, and accounting agencies, which is why we understand the need for precision and clarity when it comes to your financial translations. Find a full list of the financial translation services we offer below:

  • Bank policies

  • Internal documents

  • Balance sheets

  • Finance plans

  • Investment plans

  • Annual reports

  • Insurance papers

What You Can Expect

  • Expert Knowledge

    20+ years of experience

  • 100% Accuracy

    Dedicated to detail

  • Care & Respect

    A client-centric approach

  • Prompt Service

    Documents delivered on-time

Translation Services You Can Rely On

With over 300 translators, we offer a wealth of expertise and real-world experience. If you can’t find the service you are looking for, please inquire with us today to see how we can help.