Certified Interpretation Services in Canada

Our network of over 300 professional interpreters allows you to communicate across languages in a variety of settings.

Rush services available.

Specialized Interpretations for Your Business or Institution

We understand navigating language barriers can be frustrating. From the inability to share important information to the delays of finding the right expert, our interpretation services are designed to make clear communication both easy and accessible.

We provide our clients with the linguistic proficiency needed in a range of cultural and professional settings. Whether you're dealing with the complexities of high-stakes business negotiations, legal proceedings, medical consultations, or interactions at community events, BCPLI is here to help. Our dedicated team of interpreters ensure your message resonates clearly, correctly, and contextually.

Our dedicated team of interpreters ensure your message resonates clearly, correctly, and contextually in both virtual and in-person settings. Same-day services are also available for any clients in need of immediate interpretations.

Why Hire a Professional Interpreter?

Be confident your communication is clear and effective

Leverage real-time exchanges and avoid misunderstandings

Be confident your communication is correct and comprehensible

Adhere to ethical standards or relevant compliance regulations

Lean on expert knowledge to handle any complexities that may arise

Ensure all parties feel seen, understood, and respected

Find What You’re Looking For

Explore on-site interpreting and remote interpreting services for a range of industries. Every interpretation is delivered in real-time to help key parties communicate.

Legal Interpretations

Precision and clarity are non-negotiable in your legal proceeding. From law firms to government agencies and police departments, we ensure every word spoken is accurately conveyed, and all communication is handled with the utmost care and professionalism. View our full list of legal interpretation services below:

  • Courtroom hearings

  • Examination for Discovery (EFD)

  • Depositions

  • Meetings 

  • Police proceedings 

  • Mediation and arbitration

  • Notarizations

Business Interpretations

At BCPLI, we believe language should never hinder your success. From global enterprises to small businesses, our certified interpreters amplify your voice with accuracy and clarity, growing your opportunities in the spaces that matter. View our full list of business interpretation services below:

  • Business meetings and negotiations

  • Conferences (also includes online video conferences)

  • Market research

  • Corporate training

  • Product launch events

  • Trade shows

  • Merger and acquisition meetings

  • Training workshops

  • Networking events

Medical Interpretations

For over 20 years, we’ve helped medical facilities, healthcare professionals, and patients communicate with confidence. Our team of specialists not only understand the intricacies of medical terminology, but also the barriers to adequate support when miscommunication occurs. View our full list of medical interpretation services below:

  • Doctor-patient consultations

  • Medical procedures

  • Seminars and workshops

  • Medical conferences

  • Therapy or counseling sessions

  • Rehabilitation sessions

  • Medical insurance claims

Financial Interpretations

Whether you’re a financial institution, real estate agency or insurance company, we make communication easy across all parties and stakeholders. With our specialist interpreters, you can be confident every financial term, number, and concept is conveyed with precision. View our full list of financial interpretation services below:

  • Bank service meetings

  • Financial advisor meetings

  • Insurance meetings

  • Investor relations meetings

  • Audits and compliance review meetings

  • Conferences

  • Mortgage consulting meetings

  • Tax service meetings and consults

What You Can Expect

  • Expert Knowledge

    20+ years of experience

  • 100% Accuracy

    Dedicated to detail

  • Care & Respect

    A client-centric approach

  • Prompt Service

    On time and ready to serve you

Reliable Interpretations in Over 60 Languages

With over 300 interpreters, we offer a wealth of expertise and real-world experience. If you can’t find the service you are looking for, please inquire with us today to see how we can help.